Kri Events

Anika Azam, an event stylist for friends and family since her early days eventually decided to to take her passion for decoration and her organizing skills to the next level where she came up with Kri in 2008... Ever since then she has been excelling at making dream like events a reality for her clients. Be it a bride's fairytale wedding or a little one's Spiderman birthday or a corporate team's annual event, Kri has never left the side of its valued clients. With about 400 unforgettable experience creations in the bag in the last four years Kri stands here today as a proud stylist ready to take over your dreams and creating reality our of them. At Kri you can leave all the burdens and stress of an upcoming event on the hand of the experienced Anika Azam, while you lay back and prepare to enjoy the best planned event till date. Not only for yourself, surprise your guests with the lush luxury of the decoration and well pampered details to give your guests a king like feel. The most unique styles n the most sombre and elegant way is what Kri excels at. Come an experience the magical touch of Kri at your special event. Kri Events offers a list of common programs that they can manage and also are open to look into an event not listed. * Wedding planning - Weddings based on theme - Venue Booking - Customised Wedding Cards - Floral Decorations - Photography - Videography - Music Arrangements - Dala decorations - Choreography * Birthday Parties * Corporate Events * Concerts * Private Parties

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