"The first female DJ of dance music in Bangladesh. Ideology of life to " Live Like A Super Star" She believe that imagination is more important than knowledge. DJ Rita is without doubt the "The first female DJ of dance music in Bangladesh”choosing DJ as a career is a challenging job for girls in Bangladesh, though she refuses to bow down and sculpting her cues, bars, experimenting different styles of mixing, sensing musical pulse of the people turned her into a DJ. As a youngster Rita was always a fan of Dance music and continued in preparing herself from early teens. Due to very less opportunities and resources available in Bangladesh for girls,it took her a quiet long time to get prepared but without any hesitation she kept on trying and however her love affair with music and passion for this profession developed more when finally her family persuaded her to jump on the other side of the decks and learn the crafts of a DJ. After finishing her studies- it was time for her to get back to her dream job. In 2005 she took things up a notch and turned professional. she continues her journey seeking new sounds and venues ready to showcase her talent.

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