Photography is my passion. My journey in photography has started since 2006, after that I started wedding photography in 2007 end. When people liked my work and expressed their joy to me. I knew how pure their joy as these photographs will stay in their lives forever, which still motivates me to continue my work.I do wedding photography for my Passion. It is very rare in today’s world to be a part of such happy occasions, throughout the year, and through my wedding photography. Wedding Photography has become very popular over the past few years and is one of the most important services you will book. The reason couples value the medium is to be able to relive the occasion, as your special day will pass so quickly. After the wedding, when you have time to reflect, you will only have your memories, which tend to blur as time goes by. Wedding photos will keep those memories alive. As memories fade after a few years, a photographic record of your wedding, will always keep the day alive! I focus especially on documentary event coverage – where you can see, my coverage of an event, you will notice the story describing before your eyes. For a typical wedding event, the pictures include some classic portraits of bride, groom, and their close relatives followed by some group shots and candid shots of bride, groom, and the guests. If you have any exceptional requirement for your wedding photography, please feel free to consult with me. Your ideas are always welcome to my photography world.

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