Khan Bahadur Group

Khan Bahadur Group was originally established in 1935 by the late & great Khan Bahadur Badi Ahmed Chowdhury. He cultivated shrimp and salt in his own 25,000 acre land, and today it goes by the name "Rahima Agro." Today, partnering with local farmers, the product are sold in the domestic market. However, a project is underway to process the salt and shrimp for export purposes. We hope by 2015, our shrimp and salt will reach every corner of Bangladesh and around the globe. However, Khan Bahadur Group is more than just estate ownership. The company has its own rice brand called "KB Rice", which is processed in its own factory called "Shah Makahdum Modern Rice Mills Ltd." Using the most modern technology the world has to offer, we procure the paddy directly from the farmers to ensure the richness of the famous golden paddy in Bangladesh is preserved. It is the first rice mill in Bangladesh to store paddy in moisture controlled paddy silos. The factory is also equipped with modern machinery from USA, Japan, China and India. Our company also owns a 10,000 MT cold storage used for storing potatoes. With various potatoes in store, including indigenous breeds, we export potatoes all over the world guarantying quality and timely delivery. Khan Bahadur Group operates and owns two 1500 MT oil tankers transporting diesel domestically. We are big fans of American quality, which is why our trading business is all American. Superior Manufacturing LLC which is a premium silo manufacturer based in Kindred, ND, supplies us with various types of silos. We maintain a competitive price without compromising quality. We can ensure our quality will be “Superior” and our prices will be able to compete in a market where Chinese and Indian products are thriving. We are able to do this by manufacturing our own American made steel. America's favorite Pizza--> SBARRO now at Gulshan-2, Dhaka, Bangladesh; courtesy of Khan Bahadur Foods. Bangladesh is still a developing nation and we believe our microscopic contribution to this ever-growing economy isn't enough. We enjoy giving back to the community, and do so through Khan Bahadur Foundation. With a vision of uplifting the most economically distressed section of the society in Bangladesh and other third world countries through education, income generating skills training, health care delivery, improved sanitation, and support for small scale entrepreneurial activities Khan Bahadur Foundation has dedicated itself towards serving the under-privileged. Our goal is to help socially disadvantaged children get educated and have dreams – we believe to be the right of every child, assist the most needy men and women learn job skills so they can earn a living, provide micro-capital to the poor for income generation through self-employment, deliver healthcare and medicine to the most vulnerable sections of the society, especially to expectant mothers and new born, and train healthcare workers. Run entirely by the Khan Bahadur Family, our foundation has very little overhead costs and through continuous monitoring and improvement of its programs has already set an example in Bangladesh of delivering maximum benefit to the needy. Come join us in creating a special world for the less fortunate. We are currently running a girls only college in Bashkhali, Bangladesh and are constructing a technical college in Chittagong, Bangladesh.

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