Union Group

UNION GROUP is a multifaceted group of companies—bringing a wide range of products and services under its umbrella. With a huge workforce UG prides itself of its diversified conglomerate character. It ranges from Retail, Mobile phones, Textiles, Dyeing, Real Estate and Engineering, Power & Energy, Tours and Travels and hospitality industry. The philosophy of the group is to nurture and promote good ideas and growth; to provide satisfaction to customers; to innovate and go beyond accepted standards of doing business. At UG we thrive in an extreme competing environment where challenge and hard work is rewarded. The strength of UG is in its core management principals. UG plans ahead with experienced foresightedness, strive to bring the planning into reality and in the process learn from its achievements and mistakes. It has grown gradually, excelling year by year. Over the years, through its unified endeavor, it has been successful in becoming what it is. The Group’s philosophy is simple and is well illustrated in its slogan—Delivering the Best. And to fulfill the idea of delivering the best is has policies and procedures in place so that everyone knows what to do and how to perform to the best to their abilities. The Group’s has been strengthened by its experience, enviable business integrity, good financial backbone, network with global brands, countrywide distribution channel and above all a will to excel in everything that it has stepped into. The Group has set its mark in a diverse business domain and this has been possible by a strong management setup and an excellent human resource base whose skills and motivations are the key ingredients to its success.

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