Habib Group

The late Habib Ullah Meah, son of the late Naju Meah, a prominent businessperson of undivided India, founded Habib Group in 1947 as a trading company. Following Habib Ullah Meah’s death in 1981, his three sons, Yakub Ali, Mahabub Ali, and Yasin Ali took over the management of Habib Group. Over the years, the Group has invested in various business sectors of Bangladesh, including cement, steel, textiles, fertilizers, paper, yarn, apparel, aviation, and power generation. Today, Habib Group is a prominent conglomerate in Bangladesh, supplying a wide range of products and services in Bangladesh and overseas markets. Habib Group is well positioned to achieve more growth in the coming decades. As demand across all markets in Bangladesh expands, our company will continue to diversify and invest in more businesses, and provide a variety of products. Our vast financial resources, business networks, and highly competent staff and management teams will help us to continue building our reputation as a leading firm in Bangladesh. Delivering uncompromised quality and outstanding customer service will continue to be the core values of our company. We will also diligently strive to provide reliable services in an efficient, cost effective, environmentally friendly, and socially responsible manner.

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