B&T Group

B&T Group started its journey in the year 2000 as Contech Construction Ltd, founded by the visionary entrepreneur Engr. Moklesur Rahman. Contech Construction Ltd. is the leading supplier of spun pre-stessed concrete poles and piles in Bangladesh. Under the leaderhsip of the founding chairman, we expanded our operations and established a new factory named Pre Stressed Poles Ltd. in the year 2004 to meet the ever-increasing demand for our products. B&T Group has always been forwarded thinking with a view to diversify into other markets and thus B&T Cables Ltd. was established in the year 2005 to supply electric cables. Continuing our impressive track record of supplying high quality and afforable products, we expanded into the logistics market with B&T Cold Storage Ltd. Our cold storage facilities provide an affordable way for Bangladesi farmers to store their perishables in fully climate controlled and weather proof facilites. Now we are known as B&T Group, the Best & Trusted conglomerate in Bangladesh and our flagship investment is in B&T Development Ltd, a pioneer in the civil housing market in Bangladesh. Our future proects in the pipeline include B&T Poles Ltd to expand our pole production capacity and and B&T Knitwear Ltd. with a vision to be the highest quality knitwear and apparel manufacturer in Bangladesh. Our Companies :- 1. Tushar Ceramics Ltd. 2. B&T Development Ltd. 3. SBAC Bank 4. Contech Construction Ltd. 5. B&T Cold Storage Ltd. 6. Pre Stressed Poles Ltd. 7. B&T Meter Ltd. 8. B&T Poles Ltd. 9. B&T Knitwear Ltd.

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