Hotel Sarina

With fully equipped meeting rooms, innovative break activities, chill out space, exclusive business center, banqueting space and a dedicated Event & IT manager, Sarina seamlessly blends your requirements for flawless execution making it an ideal venue for your meetings, events and seminars. Enjoy your stay in style with 5 different types of rooms to choose from Deluxe king to Imperial Suite - with bird's eye view of the city from each room. Each room is elegantly designed with luxury and comfort in mind. For your personal safety and privacy, each floor is accessible only with an electronic card key and an in-room electronic safe to safeguard your valuables. Enjoy a truly unique culinary experience at Hotel Sarina, Dhaka with different types of dining options prepared by our award-winning chefs. There is never a lack of choice at Hotel Sarina. Friendly and sleek Lobby Lounge, where you can enjoy relaxed conversation, refreshing tea Coffee and a spot of people watching.

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