Royal Bay Regal Palace

Welcome to our hotel, less than 2 minutes drive from the Bus Stand of Cox’s Bazar. Yet despite our close proximity to all the marvels of the bustling & booming city, but we have retained a quiet, relaxing atmosphere. The awesome view of the blue Ocean, Fishing boats, in distance far after the ocean water, natural beauty of the green rows of coconut trees observe from the hotel. The accommodation of the hotel is excellent .You can see the ocean from the hotel. People can go everywhere of the island from the hotel. We are especially proud of the gentle, friendly atmosphere that is provided from the exquisite lobby decorated with a little bit of elegance and a large bit of warmth. May be you want to try our restaurant served from a well kept and well-managed Kitchen supervised by experienced chef who can satisfy the most demanding gourmet. Try our local dishes that are really our specialty. To top these all, are the pampering staffs carefully appointed to provide that all-important human factor that marks the differences between large and small establishments. All staffs are specifically instructed to provide priority to guest comfort over every other responsibility that he may have. We have taken every conceivable care to offer most of the more lucrative conveniences of a quality hotel within the confines of a small establishment – reason why we pride ourselves to be a hotel of big heart.

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