Jamuna Resort (Corporate Office)

At Jamuna Resort you can feel the rich and exotic atmosphere of the tropics and the might of the legendary river Jamuna. When you enter the place you will naturally feel the new concept of warmth hospitality, luxury and comfort. Nestled by the Mythological Jamuna River (Bramaputra) the Jamuna Resort is captivating with stunning views of the Bridge and the breath-taking landscape. Experience the Gamut of activities and cultural events (indoor and outdoor) that reflects the Bangladesh's Cultural diversity "Great location, great convenience, great facilities, romantic atmosphere, luxurious amenities. That's is what makes Jamuna Resort unique and truly special". Jamuna Resort provides the ideal destination for a family getaway. The place and facilities is also ideally suited for all type of celebrations, family get together and corporate gatherings. It is a place that has the sprit to weave the weekend flavor into everyday of the week and leave your soul refreshed and recharged. For the busy mind of modern life it's a complete leisure zone that blends corporate flavor into a holiday environment. Those who love the pleasure of modern life, in a modern way this is completely a different experience Jamuna Resort provides unrivalled comfort, impeccable hospitality and every facility for an enchanting holiday with nature. Be at home and stay tuned to nature. If you are looking for a place or planning for an AGM, Business Conference, Reception, Sales or Marketing , Meeting , Training or Seminar Workshop, group discussion, quite anniversary, birthday party or even a romantic honeymoon; Jamuna Resort is the unique place for you. Our facilities has the provisions for all related services. It is the most ideal venue for your function Our professional and personalized services will make it smooth and enjoyable event for you We have three meeting rooms of deferent sizes. The main hall can accommodate 250 person while the two small rooms can accommodate 40 and 20 person respectively. Outdoor reception surrounded by lush greenery and tranquil scenery is our specialty. Our team of professional people are always available to assist you on any matter at anytime. We invite you to transfer your burden to us and remain free of tension. We shall be more than happy to organize your function in a befitting manner Jamuna Resort greatly emphasizes its outdoor spaces, surrounded by lush greenery and grassy expanses, tranquil , tropical nature plants all year round, fresh air or simply admiring the charm of Bangladeshi style. All rooms are beautifully finished with the finest local materials. Most of the furnitures has a cane and bamboo touch, richly polished, softened by the warm tones of Grameen Checks in a Unique Style of its own with a romantic atmosphere of comfort. To make our guests feel at home, each room has a veranda which opens to a serene view of the garden where many type of birds can seen playing or singing. We invite you to Indulge in the refined luxuries of Jamuna Resort

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