HB Consultants Ltd.

We are a development consulting firm providing multidisciplinary technical advisory, implementation and capacity building consultancy services for development projects. We have proven experience in successful management and implementation of over 148 projects in Asia-Pacific and Afrian region. The HB team is led by its founder and Managing Director. Mr. Saiful Islam, who is considered to have contributed significantly to some of the ongoing reform projects of the country. HB Consultants Ltd. was started as a UK and Bangladesh joint venture. The other founder was Mr. Mike Frazer, Chairman of the then Helm Corporation, a reputed consultancy firm based in Northern Ireland, UK. HB Consultants Ltd. practices fair business policy and has its own Code of Ethics and (avoidance of) Conflict of Interest. We also endeavor to always keep the client's best interest in mind and will not do anything that undermines it. HB Consultants Ltd. We have shifted to a new address given below: HB Tower,House 1/A,Road-23,Gulshan-1,Dhaka-1212,Bangladesh Our new phone numbers are: Tel: +88-02-9860517, +8801714080234 E-mail: info@hbconsultants.com Web: www.hbconsultants.com We will advise when our old phone lines have been shifted to our new address.

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