Sheltech (Pvt.) Ltd.

Sheltech (Pvt.) Ltd. is one of the pioneers in the Real Estate and Housing Industry of Bangladesh. It was established in 1988 as a Real Estate developing company, and since then has expanded to include other businesses associated with Real Estate such as Construction and Consultancy. During these 27 years of service, Sheltech has steadily consolidated its expertise and has completed more than 150 projects in Bangladesh. The team at Sheltech comprises of over 300 professionals, architects and engineers that were chosen on the basis of their excellent technical and management skills. Additionally, a well-trained force of 3000 workers is also employed at the various projects of Sheltech. The dedication, hard work and experience of the Sheltech team is what makes it one of the top Real Estate developing companies of Bangladesh. Sheltech is a company committed to quality design and construction. All the buildings of Sheltech have been designed according to the guidelines stated in the Bangladesh National Building Code and each building is capable of withstanding the code-specified natural forces like earthquake and wind. Not only that, each building is equipped with an emergency fire escape to protect the building residents in the unlikely event of a fire. Additionally, at Sheltech all construction materials and equipment have a high performance rating and are procured with great care to ensure the highest possible standard. In recognition of Sheltech's excellent quality control in the design and construction of its buildings, Sheltech has achieved the ISO 9001: 2008 certificate, which is the international standard for quality management. Sheltech is also one of the founding members of the Real Estate & Housing Association of Bangladesh (REHAB). - See more at:

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