Qualty Institute Of America

Quality Institute of America was established in 1994 in Houston Texas, USA, and rapidly grew in presence on two continents. The vision of Quality Institute of America in 1994 was the same as today: To provide organizations with assistance so that they can put together Quality Management Systems that will help these organizations run in a more productive manner. Initially, the modus operandi was to use the ISO 9000 series of standards as a model. The first model of assistance was to help companies achieve certification to the standard of their choice, and from the register of their choice. Since then, Quality Institute of America has added other models to fashion the Quality Management System. Even with ISO 9000, Quality Institute of America has developed a methodology that uses the standard much beyond the usual mode. This methodology has been successful in helping achieve major operational improvements in companies. Based on this, Quality Institute of America developed the Silver, Gold and Platinum level of ISO 9000 implementation and operation. Quality Institute of America has developed Quality Management Software called QISS that helps organizations automate their Management Systems. This not only helps companies design and implements a new system; it also helps them operate an existing system. It becomes the "ERP" software for Quality, Supplier Management and Health, Safety and the Environment. Quality Institute of America believes in high quality in their own operations, and therefore uses very highly qualified professionals. Almost all of QIA professionals are full time consultants on the payroll. This allows Quality Institute of America to develop the right type of expertise to offer to its clients.

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