Borak Real Estate Private Limited

BORAK REAL ESTATE has been setting trend & shaping new standards of lifestyle in real estate development in Bangladesh since the company’s inception. For more than two decades Borak Real Estate has been delivering iconic and luxury Residential, Commercial, Retail & Five Star Hotels/ buildings throughout strategic and premier points of the capital city and beyond. BORAK REAL ESTATE is credited with introducing and pioneering the revolutionary concept of developing the state-of-the-art 20 storied Unique Trade Centre “UTC BUILDING”, the very first intelligent commercial complex with multi-level basements at the heart of the Dhaka metropolitan city. It has successfully developed a 23 storied, first ever in the country self-owned real 5 Star hotel “THE WESTIN DHAKA” in Bangladesh. Borak Real Estate is at the forefront of exquisite architectural design, ensuring super structural strength with the highest standards of customer service and excellence. With a proven track record of delivering the most exclusive none-to-second buildings in the capital city, Borak Real Estate has been established, chosen and trusted as one of the largest private luxury developers in Bangladesh.

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