Vivek Real Estate

Vivek Real Estate Ltd. The company was originally set up as Vivek Real Estate. in 2004, Founded by Mr. Golam Mohiuddin, the founder and the managing director. The company further changed its constitution to a limited company known as VIvek Real Estate Ltd. End of 2004. The company began life as a developer company, has successfully executed three prestigious projects and many ongoing projects including Commercial & Residential at the heart of the capital city of Bangladesh. VIvek Real Estate Ltd. was founded by Mr. Golam Mohiuddin, a second generation entrepreneur, a successful businessman and a visionary having more than one decade of experience in Construction and Real Estate Development. Mr. Mohiuddin, as the Managing Director of Vivek Real Estate Ltd has been at the forefront, a man with a mission of building globally comparable quality residential & commercial projects, his motto is Experience, Success, See the difference! The company in a short span of 5 years has completed and delivered 3 projects consisting of Commercial come residential, The company currently has several projects under constructions along with one giant exclusive commercial project at 300/4, Sonargaon Road of Dhaka city of 2, 50,000 sft (Appx) and others are residential projects located in the cream points of Dhaka city.

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