White Orchid Hotel

White Orchid Hotel is the fine designed boutique hotel in cox’s bazar. With Hotel’s exceptional architectural style, elegant decoration and top quality facilities, we provide professional services for your quality stay in Cox’s Bazar. White Orchid Hotel & Restaurant is located at Plot-30, block-c, kolatoli road (beach area), Cox’s bazar. The hotel is 09-story high and providing 64 guest rooms which consist of Deluxe, Superior Deluxe, Premier Room, Royal Suite, Executive Room, Executive Suite. We provide laptop and office assistance (on demand) in rooms on Executive floors. Greasy Spoon restaurant, Cafe Wake Up, multi-function rooms, children games, business center, travel facilities assistance could also satisfied guests’ needs in various ways. Since the hotel opens, we provided accommodation for good number of celebrities and held numerous conferences and ceremonies. We received recognition from both domestic and worldwide. Based on the philosophy of “Quality, Devoted service, Efficient, and Innovative”, White Orchid Hotel & Restaurant has been exerting great effort and operating through strict management, and won great honor among the hospitality industry. We endeavour to make your enjoyment and satisfaction our primary concern as we pamper you in comfort and luxury. Let loose your individual sense of style and spend a relaxing, fulfilling time with us.

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