Hotel Lakebreeze

Hotel Lakebreeze is the perfect location for conducting your business activities while staying in luxury. All guests enjoy complimentary high speed Internet access throughout the hotel and the property also features a fully equipped Business Center/Library featuring Fax services, copiers, scanners, a wide selection of mobile chargers, multi-media equipment, or other data distribution with a variety of, books & magazines and the use of PC's in the business center on complimentary basis. It is an elegant restaurant having all-cuisines (Local, Indian, Thai, Chinese, and Continental) with mouth watering dishes. Located at ground floor, Dignity Restaurant offers an immense variety of fare adopted from Worldwide culinary Artistry. In 24-hours service, it serves an extensive Buffet or a-la-carte menu or breakfast, lunch or dinner. Our chefs are well-experienced from the Five-star hotels both in the country and abroad.Well-equipped three Venues at 1st floor and at 6th floor for your corporate events cover all the requirements for arranging your programs like training sessions, workshops, Day-long-sessions, brain-storming sessions, meetings, conferences, seminars, symposiums, launching ceremonies, signing ceremonies or any corporate event etc. A team of professional meeting planners are always at your service. You will have individualized cuisines for the programs

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