Veni Vidi Vici

What does a Lamborghini, an Armani suit and a Pizza have in common? Siprovengono tutti da Italia (Yes, they all come from Italy)! 9,000 miles away from Bangladesh, this boot-shaped country dangling almost precariously in the middle of the Mediterranean Ocean, actually has a lot in common with us! Take for instance their passion for food and gregarious nature – two key Italian trademarks matched perhaps by Bangladeshi ones only! Ever wondered how it would feel to walk down the streets of Rome, past the little pizzerias lining the sidewalks? How heady it might feel to bask in the mouthwatering smell of freshly baked pane (bread) infused with herbs wafting from the pizzerias! And imagine the din from the Italian crowd as they loudly argue and equally loudly appreciate a delightfully concocted cibo Italiano (Italian dish). Well wait no further. We have opened up Veni Vidi Vici, a ristorante Italiano (Italian restaurant), right here in Dhaka just for you! Tucked away in the heart of Sector 3 in Uttara, this two-storied place offers nothing but autentica cucina Italiana (authentic Italian cuisine). Now, the art of Italian cuisine lies in its simplicity and freshness of ingredients used – a little trick that didn’t go unnoticed by our discerning head chef who spent two decades in Rome. During his culinary career in this 3,000 year old city, he not only developed a profound fondness for the local food but also absorbed priceless experience in preparing grande piatti italiano (great Italian dishes). Our chef and his team’s day starts with a foray to our trusted grocery supplier. They hand-pick every item that makes its way to the kitchen, and that means only the greenest of the greens, reddest of the reds and freshest of the fresh are selected! Come try out your favorite Italian dish from our sumptuous list of pizza, spaghetti and lasagna! Italian food is well-known to not only satiate the stomachs but also make a place in the hearts of anyone who immerses in a pasti Italiani (Italian meal). You are welcome to come, see and dive in!

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