Mermaid Café

The only sea food cafe on the beach at Cox's Bazar with music as its back drop. The cafe management is strict on serving organic food and well known for pampering the guests. The place where full moon parties are a common scenario with the roars of the sea playing as DJ. If you want to dine with a view of the beach, with the sound of the sea, so close to the beach that your toes are in the sand, there is only one place to go to in Cox’s Bazar - The Mermaid Café! On the beach between Shugandha and Kolatoli Beach, opposite Uni-Resort, the Mermaid Café has great food. When you add great food to an unbelievably great location, the Mermaid Café offers a dining experience in Cox’s Bazar, second to none. * Walk-Ins Welcome, Good For Groups, Take Out, Waiter Service and Outdoor Seating * Lunch, Dinner, Coffee and Drinks

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