The Mughal Kitchen

The Mughal Kitchen provides an exceptional experience for private, social or business gatherings. The restaurant offers a relaxed and wholesome environment with versatile seating options to suit any kind of occasion. Drawing inspiration from the richness of the historic era, TMK serves authentic Mughlai cuisine with a variety of inventive dishes, deserts and drinks. Mouthwatering dishes and delectable beverages are made with the freshest of ingredients by a team of veteran and highly-trained chefs. TMK houses an indoor restaurant on the ground floor, and private rooms are available for business meetings, conferences and parties on the second floor. The rooftop terrace provides a refreshing alfresco experience for casual diners, while children's parties can be made especially fun with outdoor arrangements on the ground floor. Just a stone’s throw from Gulshan 1 circle, The Mughal Kitchen is conveniently located just across Gulshan 1 DIT Market, with ample parking space and amenities. We accept cash, bKash and cards. Contact us at +88 01841 MUGHAL (01841 684425). * A family restaurant which serves authentic Mughlai/Persian/Arabian food in a comfortable seating with fine ambiance. * Takes Reservations, Good For Groups, Good For Kids, Take Out, Delivery, Catering, Waiter Service and Outdoor Seating * Indian/Pakistani Food * Lunch and Dinner * Visa, American Express and Mastercard

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