Cafe Cloud

A chef is a professional cook who is able to prepare, cook and present a wide variety of foods efficiently and according to industry standards. They can be employed in restaurants, hotels, hospitals, clubs, correctional institutions, catering companies and educational institutions and so on. Yet there is a very complex ranking system amongst chefs. There is the commis (a basic chef in larger kitchens who has recently graduated from culinary school), the chef de partie (otherwise known as the line cook who is in charge of a particular area of production, the sous chef (the second in command in the kitchen) and the executive or head chef. The word “chef” is borrowed from the French term chef de cuisine, otherwise known as the head of the kitchen. And that’s exactly what a head.or executive chef is — chief of the kitchen. American (Traditional), Breakfast, Chinese, Diners, Fast Food, Fondue, Food Stands, Hot Dogs, Irish, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Soul Food and Thai Walk-Ins Welcome, Good For Groups, Good For Kids, Take Out, Delivery and Catering Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner and Coffee Hotline-01963-832140,01673-757970,01674-065073,01675-752202

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