The Backyard Chef

The Backyard Chef invites you to be a part of the multicultural culinary exploration in its inspiration hub. It is the casual diner where you savor the best and diverse meals of any cuisine. The menu is designed artistically to please every food lovers’ appetite. It is segmented into four main categories of Appetizer, Main Course, Desserts and Drinks. The many variations in the manner of serving, portions of meals, types of sauces and side dishes will promise not to bore you. You can enjoy platters, set meals or simply the most delectable desserts in town with a sip of hot latte in different flavors. When sitting indoor is mundane, you can always book your table at the corner of the open balcony. TBC values family and so if you visit with your whole extensive family you would enjoy the most. Celebrate a traditional festival or a special day at The Backyard Chef and take pleasure in the delicious treats to suit the specialty of the day. Whether you wish for seheri in the month of Holy Ramadan or celebrate Valentine’s Day with a concert, TBC is your destination for lavish fun!

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