The Dining Room

We at “The Dining Room” have selected the menu that allows you to sample all the methods of cooking – from bhapa to foods wrapped in banana leaves to stir fried foods. We have additionally tried to present the impacts of other food in Bengali cooking – the popular duck vindaloo (not for the frail) to the prawn "chiney" kebab. "The Dining Room” would like you to experience that extemporary sharing of the "Bengali Fine Dining Cuisine" with your friends and family with the characteristic hospitality of the people of this region. With an emphasis on fish,meat, vegetables and curries served with rice as a staple diet. Bengali cuisine is known for its subtle (yet sometimes fiery) flavours, and its huge spread of desserts. It is richly influenced by its similarities with the Indian cuisine and is also served course-wise,a tradition that is analogus to French cuisine. The founders of "The Dining Room"are connoisseurs who hold an unfathomable experience in the culinary arts and would love to share their taste with you.

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