Symmetric Architecture

Design and Architectural Model is the most spectacular and self-explanatory tool for presentation, sales, fundraising, study or display. Only physical architectural model can show how the project will REALLY look, outside or within the context. It will wake a child in your most skeptical opponent and turn him or her into excited follower. In many cases model is the ONLY WAY to present your design - there are many people (including clients, investors and government officials) that are not able to understand two-dimensional drawings and even renderings. Building scale model is a time and work consuming process which requires special training, experience and knowledge of materials and technology. Therefore scale models are not cheap. However, not only investment in model is justified by spectacular effect and success in your project's marketing, also the very fact that you are investing in scale model will prove to your opponents that your truly believe in your idea and it's success. As of technology, it would be wrong for a modern model maker to be relying on manual work and machinery only. Today our company is 3D and rapid prototyping empowered. Every model, including architectural models is being 3D modeled first, so the customer is able to review the future model and make comments and corrections before the production even starts. To learn more about digital processing and modern technologies that we utilize visit Symmetries Architecture Workshop. In addition to the latest rapid prototyping technologies, such as SLA, SLS, FDM and such, we have in our disposal other methods, such as CNC carving, allowing us to produce up to 12' x 6' highly accurate topography models from your CAD files. We massively use traditional small production methods, such as vacuum forming, photo etching, resin and pewter casting, which are irreplaceable when there is a need to replicate identical elements. We provide you a one-stop shopping for optional yet important features to accompany architectural models, such as custom made clear plastic and glass protective covers (display cases), pedestals and transit cases. Along with physical architectural and urban scale models we offer photo realistic 3D based Architectural Renderings, Presentation materials and Animation.

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