Ultimate Plan & Designs Studio

We are pleased to introduce ourselves as “Ultimate Plan & Designs Studio” architect and interior company.“Ultimate Plan & Designs Studio” is one of the pioneer interior and architect contracting company in this profession and trade.The company executed various major prestigious project all over Bangladesh.The company’s Executive staff and Technical Experts have highly skilled. already handled a vast rang of projects including building , Group housings of public sector, Schools, Hotels,Hospitals,industrial and commercial buildings,Shopping showroom etc. “Ultimate Plan & Designs Studio” has a specialization in their respective field @Bank or corporate office decoration @Showroom and event stall design @building & commercial design @Home, Apartment, Office decoration @Lighting & interior Design @Landscape design @software/IT/ Security services@Hospital and Clinic decoration also Helping you to imagine outside of the box. “Ultimate Plan & Designs Studio” is a professionally managed firm and we have a team of highly qualified managed architects and engineers, skilled technicians / tradesman with enough skilled / semi skilled person’s to execute the job. We have sufficient tools, plants, and equipments to cater for the work.We are financially sound and enjoy the good supports of leading furniture Manufacturers and Dealers in the respective trade. Our Mission we provide the best price sensitive and quality oriented service using dedication and training to ensure that quality.

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