Summit Center Group

Farsight, forward looking, creating a better future: for shareholders, our nation and the world are the core values, we have strived towards. For the last 25 years Summit Industrial and Mercantile Corporation (Pvt.) Ltd. has set standards of excellence, innovativeness, creativity and productivity. In private sector we have built the country’s first tanks terminal, container terminal and power plant. “Today” has always been the most exciting time, each day we work to improve the future. “Today” we are building power plants to generate 1800 mw of electricity for an electricity starved country, “today” we are building container terminals and ports to provide infrastructure enabling Bangladesh to join with global trade, “today” we are laying fiber optic connectivity around Bangladesh to provide the fastest unhindered transmission of information. In the service sector we are setting up comprehensive financial services network spanning retail banking, capital financing, investment banking, from brokerage to insurance. Still “today” we are building the largest hospitality service with two hotels providing more than 800 five star rooms and 10,000 people convention centre with 300,000 square feet of retail space. Yes, tomorrow we shall have a golden Bengal.

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