Steak House Dhaka

We offer the modern american grill experience. Our choice of mouth watering steaks like T-Bone , Fillet mignon, Sirloin and Bone in Rib Eye are perfectly matched with fresh seafood and mouth watering desserts. Regularly changing menus are sustainably sourced and seasonally influenced. At steak house we have dedicated Managers who will take charge of every last detail to make your event a seamless success. From the time you book a private dining room until the final toast is made and your last guest leaves, Our staff for private dining will cater to your every need. Steak House is also available for private hire or for party bookings. We can create individual menus,prepare a unique reception and personalize your lunch/dinner food list for the event. Services: Walk-Ins Welcome, Good For Groups, Good For Kids, Take Out, Catering and Waiter Service. Payment Methods: Visa, American Express, Mastercard and Cash.

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