Golden Spoon

Golden Spoon is a family friendly restaurant located on Satmasjid Road, Dhanmondi. The restaurant specializes in Chinese and Thai cuisine which have been slightly tweaked to satisfy the taste buds of the average Bengali. The duplex structure has a warm ambiance and is perfect for a large family get together or even a simple dinner or lunch for two. With an easy accommodation of around 150 guests, the restaurant is able to host a variety of functions ranging from birthday parties to small wedding receptions. Golden Spoon also offers a special set of Shahi Bengali dishes in case of such functions ranging from plain Polaow to Kachchi Biriyani, which are not available in the regular menu. For those who do not have the time to relax, take a seat and enjoy a hearty meal, we have a take-away service. Similarly, we also offer a small variety of fixed menu take-away boxes for those who are on the go. And in case of a large amount of people, we cater outside as well, offering an exclusive wide range of dishes in Bengali, Chinese, Indian and Thai cuisines.

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