Smah Limited

There was a time when people of our part of the sub-continent had little idea about business in its true sense. Our people had neither knowledge nor participation in such businesses. Even the jute business which earned 80% of national income of the then Pakistan was rather entirely controlled by a number of business families from the then West Pakistan. Of-course, opportunities were deliberately thwarted from us. Post independence period witnessed local young entrepreneurs seizing the business opportunities with lot of innovative ideas. Nineties in the post liberation period may be termed as the decade when the economic boom has started to take off. SMAH Limited also as a private limited company started moving up in a big way in early nineties, though the company started its maiden business in mid sixties. Over the period the company has flourished manifold with current yearly turnover of more than Tk.7000 million with a huge number of employment opportunities. The activities of the company have now been extended into the sectors like garments, poultry, manufacturing, services, agro processing and soon. Of late it has been felt that the company should have a written profile on its different activities with some pictorial presentations. The profile aims at presenting the whole gamut of activities/ involvement of the company in a concise manner and hopefully it will create a positive impression amongst the individuals who are concerned with related business and developments.

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