Riverview Restaurant - Chittagong Boat Club

The idea of Chittagong Boat Club (CBC) was first conceived by the then Chief of Naval Staff of Bangladesh Navy, Late Rear Admiral Sultan Ahmed. The intention was to develop a Club which would perform like an organization where the elites of Maritime Agencies, Civil Industries, Bureaucrats and Military services would enjoy the normal Club facilities including aquatic sports through the Club and also to take part to contribute something for the sea- dependent people while the Club facilities would be fulfleged. Hence, the CBC was registered in the Joint Stock Companies in 1986. Thereafter, the former Chief of Naval Staff of Bangladesh Navy, Late Rear Admiral Sultan Ahmed, inaugurated the CBC on 08 Aug 1990. Bangladesh Navy took lease 2.1 acres of land from Chittagong Port Authority (CPA) to establish the CBC. CPA gave this land beside Marine Academy Jetty at East Patenga. The Club premises have Karnaphuli River on the East and Khal No–11 on the North, Shah Amanat International Airport on South-West, Airforce Base Zahur on West. It has a wonderful panoramic view with hill, river and other natural beauty in the surrounding area. As per Article of Association and Memorandum of Understanding 1913, the Chief of Naval Staff would be the President of CBC. Then, COMBAN (Commodore Commanding BN Flotilla) would be the Vice-President and Later COMCHIT (Commodore Commanding Chittagong) took over the duty of Vice President. Other three Vice-Presidents and 17 members from the Civil Elites and Military Officers formed the Management Committee (The Committee).

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