VIP'S Restaurant

VIP'S is the brand name of G-mart Catering Ltd., which was founded on 2011, a Korean style restaurant located at Mirpur, the center of the capital city, Dhaka. The restaurant is a joint venture project of Bangladesh and South Korea. VIP'S was founded by Mr. G.M. Mojibur (Founder Chairman) and Mr. Park Sun-ku (Director). We are providing various food menus such as: Bangladeshi, Korean, Japanese, Chinese, Thai, Indian, Pakistani, Western and others that are exquisitely prepared and moderately priced. Here our guests will get impressively dressed tables with candlelight next to a superior staff, contribute to a brilliant experience. At VIPS'S, our passionate commitment to serve great dishes is matched only by our dedication to provide the highest-quality service. We offer a dining experience that excites the senses: an elegant and vibrant ambiance, gracious service and a delectable menu in the heart of our guests. Our well experienced Chef, Cooks and Pantryman are ready to prepared delicious foods and drinks for our guests according to guests' desire and expectation. Skilled and trained waiters are available to serve our valued guests. The Management team of VIP'S is very well experienced and most of the staffs of the Management team are from various famous restaurant and hotels; including 5 stars hotel from both home and abroad. For kid's entertainment, a mini space has been provided, where toys and others materials are available for kid's entertainment. In future, we have a plan to set our branch in different areas of Bangladesh and Abroad.

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