QUBEE (Lalbagh)

QUBEE is one of the leading broadband internet service providers in Bangladesh from Augere. We are a multinational with global experience, offering you a trouble-free access to internet that you deserve. We are constantly listening to our customers and discovering more that we could value. QUBEE network is now available in Barisal, Bogra. Chandpur, Chittagong, Comilla, Dhaka, Dinajpur, Feni, Joypurhat, Khulna, Laxmipur, Naogaon, Narayanganj, Natore, Noakhali, Pabna, Rajshahi, Rangpur, Savar, Sirajganj and Sylhet. To make your journey better with us, our engineers check each installation, to make sure you have network coverage before we sell our connection to you. Apart from being the first to launch 4G ready network, we have revolutionized how internet was used by home users. More than 150,000 QUBEE users consume a major share of total bandwidth in Bangladesh. At QUBEE, we are dedicated to continuously provide uninterrupted internet experience using Wireless Broadband technology.

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