FastNet ISP

FastNet Bangladesh is a dynamic and fast growing Internet Service Provider (ISP) in Dhaka, Bangladesh. It is a strong establishment originating from FastNet Group and is able to keep abreast of the very latest in Internet Technology, equipment and services. If you are a large organization or small business with problems in utilizing the Internet in full capacity, and training your staff to use the service. Where you require a certain standard on speed and reliability or 24/7 access to the internet and consultation services on implementation of a new service or if you have considerable Internet experience but merely require an update of an existing old service, we have the right solutions for you. Our helpful and experience engineer are always waiting for your service call. From design to implementation of network and Internet Services we provide a one-stop solution for businesses both large and small. The success of FastNet Bangladesh depends on its reliance on quality and cost and supplying the needs of its many clients in the rapidly changing Internet Service Market with Flexibility and Value for Money Services and Products with cutting edge technology. If you are a small domestic user in need of a reliable fast Internet at a modest cost, please contact us. FastNet has several packages to suit your exact requirements. The solutions we provide are from a Comprehensive Wireless Internet Service to give a fast connection on a dedicated Network between locations and connection to the outside world via our or your own dedicated VSAT Systems. In addition we have a fast Internet Cable Service, which provides the ultimate in reliability and 24/7 usage for Businesses. You pay your money at you take your choice.

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