Peda Ting Ting

Peda Ting Ting restaurant originally located at Kaptai, Rangamati, BD. Recently we have opened a new outlet in the capital at Gulshan 1. Peda Ting Ting is famous for its signature dishes that are cooked inside bamboo and banana leaf in traditional 'Chakma' style. It has around 11 thousand square feet of floor space comprising of green outdoor and AC indoor sitting arrangement. It also includes an art gallery, handcrafted souvenir shop and a boutiqe corner. Considering different taste bud of city dweller, we are also offering Continental, Indian and Middle Eastern cuisines. Its the only place in Dhaka where one can enjoy art, food and culture of indigenous Chakma community * Takes Reservations, Walk-Ins Welcome, Good For Groups, Take Out and Outdoor Seating * Lunch, Dinner, Coffee and Drinks * Visa, American Express, Mastercard and Cash * Fine Dining Restaurant

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