Onno Kichhu.Com

ONNO KICHHU - (ONLINE BASIS ONLY) Registered Company under RJSC (Registrar of Joint Stock Companies & Firms) Company No: Description IMPORTANT...!!! Please read and understand to our TERMS & CONDITIONS before submitting your order/purchase. We are retailers and wholesalers of the latest collection for men and women's wear. ~ ONNO KICHHU ~ offers exclusive sarees, punjabi suits, lengha choli & lots more with a focus of lifestyle driven fashion. Constant attention to new ideas and design to keep relevant to today's trends. DONNO KICHHU is based online for retail purchasing in Bangladesh. We offer the season's hottest styles, silhouettes & statements to bring out your best. All our items are directly shipped from China, Japan, India & Pakistan to your doorstep anywhere in Bangladesh. Most of the designs are unique and not found everywhere. You dream it we weave it. Any color, any fabric, any style, any pattern, and any embroidery it is very rare that we say something is not possible. None of our items are repeat and most of them are exclusive & limited edition. So there's no chance of you and your pal turning up in the same suit/saree at Sunday cocktail Party. ? TO PLACE YOUR ORDER ? Drop the following details to our INBOX :- Name: Address: H/p No: Items (copy and paste the link) : : Terms and Conditions : PRE ORDER items are available ONLINE only. Free shipping to any address in Bangladesh. We will only process customer's order once we receive full payment via Onno Kichhu order form. After make payment, please inform us of your order number, name, total amount, and remittance date via payment notification. For Pre-Order, Stock will arrive around 3 weeks (not include saturday & sunday) after we submit the order. All goods sold are not REFUNDABLE or EXCHANGEABLE. Kindly send an Message to notify us after you received the goods. We will assume you have already received the goods if we do not hear from you within 7 days. We are not responsible for delay in delivery caused due to issues that we cannot control, such as, natural disaster, fault at shipping company's end,sudden/unpredicted day (s) off and so on. We are not responsible for any damage or loss of item occurred during shipping process. The prices quoted are inclusive of shipping charges unless stated otherwise.SLIGHT COLOUR VARIATION than actual picture will be possible due to photoshot lighting. FREE stitching is provided for Suits & Lehenga-Choli unless stated otherwise. * WHAT SHOULD I DO AFTER I MAKE PAYMENT? Kindly inform us, once you make the payment. After checking, we will arrange your order immediately & subjected to the stock availability. ALL items will only be delivered after payment is made & received (via bank in/ATM transfer/online banking) Contact Us E-mail : onnokichhu@gmail.com info@onnokichhu.com, sms/viber/whats app: +8801616-161565, +8801616-16155, HAPPY SHOPPING with us ? ONNO KICHHU ensures that the best of fashion is within the financial reach of all our customers. (by Onno Kichhu Bollywood & Bangladeshi Fashion House)

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