
www.iferi.com exists to solve every problem that a customer faces while taking a buying decision. A customer, planning to buy something, has to answer quite a few questions, like, ‘what’s the product that can actually serve my purpose’, ‘how can I get the best value for money’, ‘how can I ensure quality’, ‘where can I get it’, ‘who will provide the after-sales service’ - so on and so forth! iferi.com wishes to be the reliable pal that we often seek help to answer these queries and take along shopping. The flagship online retailer by Rijuk Limited - iferi.com is a complete shopping solution where a customer can choose, order and buy whatever s/he likes from a wide range of categories like Computer accessories, Cycle gears, Camera accessories, Sports and Lifestyle items, Electronics, Fresh seasonal fruits and many more. Almost all conventional payment methods are supported at iferi.com since its inception. A customer can pay online through the credit or debit card, can opt for mobile payment, can pay at bank or at POS terminal and also can provide cash on delivery. At present, all the products are delivered right at the doorsteps all over Dhaka city, where the going gets tougher every day, literally! Outside Dhaka, the customers can collect their ordered products from nearby courier office. Having started the journey with a very humble set up - personal computers and no fixed office - in October 2011, iferi.com has since kept its philosophy of being the closest shopping destination, if not the grandest, unchanged for its customers. The people working here are taught not only the necessary skills to pursue their job but also the passion needed to go length to solve a customer’s problems. Our service offerings and policies get more customer-centric every time we encounter an issue that we believe can only be solved if considered from a point of view similar to a person who really cares for the customer. In that regard, we believe our organization possess a very cozy and caring personality. Still a long way to reach its cruising heights, the endeavor to attain excellence in every aspect of the business is on. We believe adopting the ever evolving human friendly technologies as well as the customer friendly philosophy can make us the most favored shopping solution provider of the country.

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