Discount Dokan was established in 2013 as an online ecommerce portal that focuses on providing high quality name brand products and services to customers in Bangladesh as well as other countries. We believe in being excellent, and we believe that a huge part of being excellent is being honest. The staff here at are great at time management, conscious of the environment, and know how to communicate. By being able to communicate and understand the needs of customers, we can meet those needs. has cut special deals with various business such as fashion houses, beauty parlors, office supply stores, furniture shops, and sports stores to bring you the best deals available. When our partners have special discounts, we activate advertising campaigns and get the word out to our customers by way of emails, text messages, and by promoting these specials on our website. We now have an enormous database of customers throughout Bangladesh, and are continuing to grow in customers from outside the country. We believe this is because we not only provide high quality products that are in demand at affordable prices but also because we work hard to keep our customers satisfied with our outstanding customer service. has IT specialists that are always working to ensure that our website stays running and improves with every update. We maintain a friendly environment within the company to keep employees focused on the job and untroubled by other circumstances they may be facing in their lives. Any customer can come visit us at our facilities. Our top priority is customer satisfaction. We will give free advice to anyone who needs it, and occasionally surprise our customers with gifts to show our appreciation for choosing So, take a look around at the wide range of products we have to offer you, and feel free to contact us if you have any questions that are not answered in any of the informational sections.

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