Lakeshore Hotel & Apartments

The hotel is operated on international standards in all aspects and is therefore frequented by a highly demanding group of international and local customers. Please have a look at: and find out what experiences other hotel guests made. We pride ourselves at Lakeshore that our focus and all our attention is devoted to the wellbeing of our esteemed guest. We are open for suggestions and we definitely are very flexible regarding the individual requirements of our guests. The hotel is a stylish with a relaxed ambience. Our employees are happy to see you coming back and to remember your preferences. For your free time we can offer you our wonderful garden rooftop with a swimming pool from where you can observe the skyline of Dhaka. You have the option to dine on the rooftop, which is especially nice on the evenings, but you can also hold a party up to 300 guests or simply relax on the lounge chairs enjoying Dhaka's sunny days. Furthermore we can offer you also a fully equipped gym, sauna, steam bath and a massage parlor. An excellent place to spend the evenings and meet you friends and business partners is our H2O bar which is stocked with a wide range of liquors, spirits and wines. We truly hope to welcome you soon in Lakeshore Hotel and to be at your service! BREAKFAST 633 including tax | LUNCH 822 including tax | DINNER 949 including tax

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