Holiday Xpress

Well-positioned in Dhaka, Hotel Holiday Xpress is the ideal point of departure for your excursions in Dhaka. From here, guests can enjoy easy access to all that the lively city has to offer. For those of you who want to venture out, National Assembly Building, Hazrat Shahjalal International Airport, National Museum are just some of the attractions available to visitors. The facilities and services provided by Hotel Holiday Xpress ensure a pleasant stay for guests.Safety deposit boxes, 24hr room service, business center, car park, Cellular Phone on demand, Laundry Service, Rent a car, Money Exchange are just a few of the facilities that set Holiday Xpress Dhaka apart from other hotels in the city. In addition, all guestrooms feature a variety of comforts such as Air conditioned bedrooms, all with en-suite bathroom, DVD/CD player, Executive Floors, Conference Rooms Accommodating Up to 200 Delegates,High-speed Internet with WiFi Connect, Iron and ironing Board, inhouse movies, non smoking rooms to please even the most discerning guest. The hotel offers many unique recreational opportunities such as Cafe Bar, fitness center, Conference Rooms. Hotel Holiday Xpress is an ideal place of stay for travelers seeking charm, comfort and convenience in Dhaka. So whether it is to kick back after a tour expedition or to stay and hold high profile business conferences, boasts elements of both worlds leisure and labor. This is what makes the hotel a truly business boutique hotel, with its amalgamation of commerce and trade related facilities and luxurious hassle free good times, respectively. A sure place to visit for great entertainment, fine dining, relaxed stay, and simply getting the relevant things done. A must add to your travel itinerary.Well-positioned in Dhaka, Hotel Holiday Xpress is the ideal point of departure for your excursions in Dhaka. From here, guests can enjoy easy access to all that the lively city has to offer. For those of you who want to venture out, National Assembly Building, Hazrat Shahjalal International Airport, National Museum are just some of the attractions available to visitors.

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