
Barnochata is one of the best luxurious picnic spot and convention center in Bangladesh. Every People feel by heart to be with nature, they find tranquility and rhythm of life. Unfortunately many of us are deprived from the touch of nature. For the sake of activities related to our business, profession and education, we had to choose urban life where we struggle with air pollution, intolerable noise, hustle and bustle in our normal life. Over all life become fully a mechanical one. But we need a break to go back to nature to recharge ourselves. Barnochata is such a recharge center. It is only 7 km far form Uttara Model Town. One can reach from Dhaka by road within 30-40 minutes. All the spots are green, shady, clean, calm and free of public presence. These spots are perfect for any family get together and organizational assembly. One can enjoy an enchanting picturesque beauty, enormous green, gentle breeze, chirping of birds, sweet smell of wild flowers and herbs. Nature is ready to unveil its enormous wealth in removing your fatigue and refreshing your mind. The spots can be used round the year with prior endorsement from Barnochata corporate office at 18,Kazi Nazrul Islam Avenue,Shahbag, Dhaka-1000. Welcome, we look forward to introducing you to Barnochata picnic spot and convention center, Zirabo, Ashulia, Dhaka. OUR VALUES We are in business to meet our customer’s needs. Integrity in words and actions. Respect for our guests and each other. Service- Oriented mindset. We seek your comments, for we realize to exceed your expectations. Your safety, health, comfort, nourishment and quality service are number "One" to us!!!

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