Long Beach Hotel,Cox,s Bazar

Encompassing the spectacular views of Cox’s Bazar, Long Beach Hotel stands very close to the hills and sea-beach, offering world class facilities and exhilarating experience to its guests. Whether you are planning a great vacation, the sweetest of honeymoons or a cozy business tour, you would prefer our beach hotel for your relaxing stay. Imagine that the 120 km astonishing longest beach in the world is just five-minute walk away from your room, providing an exuberant sensation in your mind and filling your heart with magnificent joy. Starting from Cox’s Bazar’s longest beach view to the comforts which you would be looking for are all here, making Long Beach Hotel the perfect choice for business, romance and holiday travel. Make your every move easy in Cox’s Bazar by staying with us. Long Beach Hotel has the most spacious (1000-1100 PAX) & most modern equipped Banquet Hall in Cox's Bazar. Where Planning, Function and Meeting gains the optimal point. Contact with our sales department for any kind of inquiry for your corporate event.

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