Kabab Factory (Gulshan 2)

Authentic Pakistani Bar-B-Q restaurant in Uttara and Gulshan, serving the most delicious and spicy Kababs and succulent Seafood with chefs all the way from Pakistan!! Enjoy delectable meals with friends and family while having a hell of a time!! [Free Home Delivery only in Uttara] Noon Till Night, Come Enjoy A Bite! =D Afghani, Asian Fusion, Barbeque, Buffets, Burgers, Diners, Greek and Mediterranean, Indian/Pakistani, Italian, Mexican, Middle Eastern, Pizza, Russian, Seafood, Singaporean, Spanish/Basque, Steakhouses, Tex-Mex, Thai and Vegetarian * We offer free home delivery service in all over Uttara, Gulshan, Banani and Baridhara for anyone ordering 2000 Tk and above. [Free Home Delivery only in Uttara] * Our Main Motives: 1. Quality Food 2. Customer Satisfaction * Afghani, American (New), Barbeque, Fast Food, Indian/Pakistani, Seafood and Steakhouses * Takes Reservations, Good For Groups, Good For Kids, Take Out, Delivery, Catering and Outdoor Seating * Visa, American Express and Mastercard * Dinner, Coffee and Drinks Hotline-01754-244455,01941111333

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