Choi Jhal

বাংলার বিভিন্ন এলাকার বিখ্যাত খাবারগুলোকে এক ছাদের নিচে পরিবেশনার প্রয়াস .you must have heard this if you were in Khulna, Jessore, Bagerhat or Shatkhira regions of Bngladesh. Yes, “Choi Jhal” is the local dialect of Chui Jhal probably commonly known in other areas of Bangladesh that we have named our restaurant after. Choi Jhal is this unique flavor that you can taste when the stem of Choi plant (Botanical name: Piper chaba) is blended while cooking the dish. Through our effort, “Choi Jhal” Restaurant; we aim to promote local delicacies of Bangladesh, which are amazingly rich and traditionally fav within its very own style of cooking that we do when we all sit together and have meals among our families and friends and share the warmth of togetherness. It’s the touch of home and realization of being so Bangladeshi that we want to serve you. We select our chefs who understand what is being Bangladeshi just like you and me. We hope you would love to be a part of our effort and allow us to serve you meals as healthiest as possible and as mouth watering-e-s-t as it goes. Look for more when we comeback with other traditional tastes at one place, till then happy Choi-ing with us!

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