Islam Aftab Kamrul & Co.(Gulshan 1)

Islam Aftab Kamrul & Company was founded in 1993 by two Chartered Accountants with a vision to build up and lead a dynamic workforce who would help clients succeed by providing value added services, and help enrich the nation with their expertise in the field of professional accountancy. The firm currently retains its two partners, and boasts a very talented pool of staff as well as a number of reputed clients. The firm is engaged in Auditing, Advisory Service to Foreign Investors, Accounting Consultancy, Socio-economic, Agro-economic Consultancy. Marketing Consultancy and Census works are also within the scope of the company’s business activity. A pool of specialists and experts in various subjects from Universities and retired senior government officials with long experience in respective fields act as consultants to Islam Aftab Kamrul & Co. Chartered Accountants. In the past these consultants rendered their valuable services to the company.

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