Nawab Habibullah Model School & College

Nawab Habibullah Model School & College is a prominent name in the field of education of Bangladesh. The college proudly stands on the Dhaka-Mymensing Highway adjacent to Azampur Bus Stand. Located in the heart of Uttara Model Town about one km. away from the Hazrat Shahjalal (R) International Airport (Ex. Zia International Airport), offers quality education as well as an extensive range of co-curricular activities. The College has a team of highly qualified teaching staffs experienced and well trained in the respective fields. Teachers are fully committed to providing quality education to students. The institute was established by the local elites in 1963. Initially it was a secondary school. It has been upgraded to college in 2009. According to the demand of the local people and as per the decision of the Ministry of Education, the Vocational Section under Vocational Education Board was opened in 2007. The school & College encompass an area of 5.5 bighas having a large playground in front of the main Academic Building. At present about 2500 students are studying in the institute from class I to class XI. The college has two multistoried buildings. Another multistoried building is going to be constructed very soon. The school section of the institute has got a great reputation in the country. Every year the students make glorious results in the S.S.C Examination. In 2007 the institute held the 12th position in the Dhaka Board on the basis of the S.S.C results. The college has two shifts in its school section – Morning Shift and Day Shift. College section has only one shift, i.e.: the Morning Shift. A very high powered Governing Body is relentlessly working to turn it into one of the top ten colleges of the country.

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