International Labour Organization (ILO)

The International Labour Organization (ILO) works with the government, workers and employers organisations to promote decent and productive employment opportunities for women and men in Bangladesh. Bangladesh has been an active member State of the ILO since 22 June 1972 and has ratified 35 ILO Conventions including seven fundamental conventions. The ILO opened its office in Dhaka, Bangladesh on 25 June 1973, and initially started working on expanding income-earning opportunities through labour-based infrastructure development and maintenance. More recent technical cooperation activities have focused on enhancing working conditions and labour rights. Considerable emphasis is being placed on the ready-made garment sector while other priority sectors include the shrimp and leather industries. ILO also works to improve the national enabling environment for industry skills development and the increased employability of young and adult women and men. In addition, it places importance on enhancing social protection especially for migrant workers, children and indigenous people. ILO tripartite nature sees it work closely with the Government of Bangladesh, Bangladesh Employers’ Federation (BEF), the National Coordination Committee for Workers’ Education (NCCWE) and the IndustriALL Bangladesh Council (IBC). ILO also cooperates with many other key actors in civil society, academic and research institutions, private sector and media. As part of the UN system in Bangladesh, the ILO supports the Government of Bangladesh in implementing its Five Year Plans and in achieving the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs).

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