Hotel Fortune Garden

Welcome to the Magnificent Fortune Garden, an exclusive Hotel in the heart of Sylhet, a city with greenery tea gardens, wond...erful waterfall and lots of cultural activities, it makes one of the most attractive tourist cities in Bangladesh. The hotel is Ideally located in Bongobir Road, Naoirpul which is very near to the Zindabazar area. It is a 15 minute drive from the Osmani International Airport and a 5 minute drive from the railway and bus station. The Hotel has its own security and car parking facility in the compound. An unique combination of comfort, quiet environment and warm hospitality makes the stay in Hotel Fortune Garden a very memorable stay indeed. Awaiting for you will be our fully trained and formally dressed employees who are their to make your stay as comfortable as possible. The members of our staff are fully trained and experienced in the hospitality industry. We believe that our professional approach will satisfy your needs while you stay with us. Our Banquet hall can accommodate 200 guests at a time for any family function. This could be wedding or Birthday parties or eve n general parties. A professional team for managing parties will be their to assist you and give you their service. Also you will receive an exclusive conference hall adorned with latest audio-visual equipment for cooperate meetings. At Fortune Garden, luxury and comfort remain uncompromising. Every room, whether single, double, deluxe or suit, ensures a total relaxing atmosphere bringing you complete satisfaction.

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