Hotel Dallas

A contemporary hotel situated near the heart of the Sylhet, our aim is to provide our guests with unforgettable hospitality by providing comfortable and relaxing accommodation. We provide an extensive range of services to meet the needs of business and leisure travellers such as, Internet access, daily newspapers and satellite television. Our rooms and suites, are individually designed with hand-picked decor to give our guests a unique experience. There is 24-hour room service to ensure that our guests are always provided personal attention and warm hospitality by our staff from arrival to departure, to make the experience at Hotel Dallas a memorable one. No wonder Hotel Dallas has bloomed to become one of the most favourite destinations for international guests. We believe that food is an important part of any stay. This is why we have a purpose built restaurant which caters for Thai, Chinese, Bangladeshi and Continental cuisine, what’s more – our prices are reasonable. Hotel Dallas North Jail Road Sylhet, Bangladesh PHONE +88 0821 720929 +88-0821-721596 RESERVATION +88 01796 336836 +88 01986 281334 CELL FOR GM +88-01712302771 +88-01612302771 SALES MANAGER +88-01757982997 EMAIL

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