Ruposhi Bangla Hotel

The first renowned international five-star hotel in Bangladesh, Ruposhi Bangla Hotel (former Dhaka Sheraton Hotel) is in the most prestigious location; just three kilometers from the downtown business district and near Dhaka’s most famous Ramna Park and National Museum. It is also at a convenient location from Prime Minister’s Office, Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Novo Theatre, Bashundhara City Shopping Center, famous Dhaka University campus and surrounding historical places. Splash around in the swimming pool, play a night game on our lighted tennis court, relax in the steam bath at our fitness center or let our 24 hour concierge arrange a wonderful day out for you. Bring your family, friends and colleagues together and savor the best of local and international cuisine at our restaurants or let our catering team assist you to host an event in one of our nine hospitality venues.

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