Hair Bar Bangladesh

Hello! We are Sabikun Nahar and Farzan Mitu. I'm Sabikun, im a hairstylist trained from TONI&GUY Sydney International School of Hairdressing, Australia and Makeup Artist trained at Chic Studios, New York, USA. I am currently living and working in Dhaka, Bangladesh. i specialize i cutting and coloring women's hair. contact: +8801764468258. we are currently a strictly women's only hair salon and beauty spa. Farzan Mitu is a certified Makeup artist trained from Sydney College of Makeup Art, Australia. She is also an amazing artist and painter, an online business owner, NV Cosmetics, a beauty and a lecturer at a reputed university in Dhaka. Quite the achiever! contact: +8801716040999 This is the official page for our hair and makeover studio HairBar! Services offered: (By Appointment Only) Hair Cut Color and Highlights Chemical straightening Treatments Styling MAKEUP Day Evening Bridal Film/TV BEAUTY facials skin polishes hair removal - wax/thread *Tips and Toes *manicure *pedicure

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